Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement Better Life label Foundation

The Better Life label Foundation (BLLF) processes the personal data of participants in our label scheme, of business relations and of subscribers to our newsletter. Even if you are just a visitor to our website, please be aware that your personal data may be processed.

Many of the participants in the Better Life label scheme are companies and organisations. Some of them are a natural person. Processing of the personal data of natural persons has been governed by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) since 25 May 2018. New participants and private individuals can subscribe to our newsletter via the business section of our website.

You have subscribed to our newsletter as a private individual

When you subscribe to our newsletter, you enter your name and email address. We save this data on our server. The e-mail addresses are shared with third parties in order to send the newsletter. Your personal data will be saved until you unsubscribe from the newsletter. At that moment, your personal data will be deleted. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of the newsletter.

Legal basis

We will only send you a newsletter if you have given your consent (when you subscribed). You may withdraw your consent to receive the newsletter in any newsletter. Depending on the moment you withdraw your consent, you will no longer receive a newsletter from us.

Secondary participants receive the newsletter as standard (see below).

You are a participant in the Better Life label scheme

Primary participants

The registration of primary participants, usually (poultry) farmers, is done by a so-called chain manager. The chain manager processes the data of primary participants and shares it with the Better Life label Foundation.

The chain manager registers the following personal data:

  • Your company name.
  • Location details of each branch
  • Branch number UBN/KIP or the Chamber of Commerce registration number
  • Contact
  • Phone number
  • Email address


You will be informed about all aspects of participation, relevant news and amendments to the criteria through our newsletter. We do not send our newsletter directly to primary participants. Your chain manager can arrange for the newsletter to be forwarded. You can also subscribe directly to the newsletter.

Legal basis

We process this personal data on the grounds of legitimate interest. The legitimate interest in processing your personal data is your participation in the Better Life label scheme. The regulations of participation prescribe that we assess your company to verify whether you meet the criteria for the Better Life label. In order to observe this provision, we require the personal data stated.

Secondary participants

When you are a participant in the Better Life label scheme, your personal data will be processed as follows:

To correctly register your company in our system and list it in the register on our website, you will be asked to provide:

  • Your company name. If your company has more than one site, each location or site must be registered separately.
  • The correct address details of the place of establishment of your company (not a postal address)
  • The branch numbers (UBN/KIP) and/or Chamber of Commerce registration number of your location/place of establishment
  • The contact name (names) at this site. This person is the contact for the BLLF and for the Certification Body (CB). If you are not this person, please ensure the contact person is aware that their name has been given.
  • Your first name, last name, initials and gender are necessary to identify and address you correctly.
  • We will use your email address for business correspondence, the newsletter and, if applicable, as a login code for our system.
  • We also require your postal address details and (if different from postal address) your invoice address details to communicate with you by post about your participation and your financial contribution.
  • We also require your telephone number (and the contact person’s telephone number) for business contact by telephone with the BLLF and CBs. This form of contact usually concerns criteria, amendments, inspections and audits, planning, products, recipes, communication etc.


You will be informed about all aspects of participation, relevant news and amendments to the criteria through our newsletter. As a registered participant you will receive our newsletter. 
You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of the newsletter or via the relevant link on the website.

Legal basis

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is the performance of your agreement with the Better Life label Foundation. The regulations of participation prescribe that we assess your company to verify whether you meet the criteria for the Better Life label. In order to observe this provision, we require information about your organisation and the officials involved.

Storing personal data

The personal data will be stored in the administrative system of the BLLF and used in the register on the FBLL website. Both are managed and controlled by the BLLF and are facilitated by specialised companies.

Sharing personal data

The personal data will be shared with your suppliers and your customers and with the applicable certification body for the purpose of inspections and audits. The personal data of all participants in the label scheme will also be published in a public register on our website. The personal data of primary participants will be anonymised before publication (UBN/KIP, place of establishment, status and scope(s)).

Retention period of personal data of natural persons

The personal data we register at registration and during your participation will be stored for a retention period of up to seven years after the termination of the agreement.


Under the terms of the GDPR, as the data subject, you can exercise the following rights. We strive to safeguard these rights at all times.

  • The right to information and access: the right to request a copy of any of your personal data which are being processed.
  • The right to be forgotten: the right to request to have your personal data erased. If there are other purposes for which we lawfully process your personal data, we may still (temporarily) process the data for that purpose.
  • The right to rectification: the right to request the rectification of personal data, if we have incorrect data about you. Secondary participants can exercise this right via their own login in our system. Primary participants can submit a request via their chain manager. In other cases, please contact us
  • The right to restrict processing: the right to limit the way data is used. If you believe that we are processing your information unlawfully or incorrectly, please inform us. We will then restrict this processing within a reasonable time.
  • The right to object: the right to object to the processing of your personal data. 
  • The right to data portability: the right to data portability allows you to obtain and transfer your personal data on request. If you wish to exercise this right, please contact us


Do you believe that we are not acting in accordance with privacy legislation? Please contact us by sending an email to You can also file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority (DPA).

Cookie statement

When you visit our website to obtain information or to subscribe to our newsletter, certain data is collected, such as the visit frequency, browser type, IP address, pages visited, previous Internet sites visited, and the duration of the user session. This data is used to improve the user experience of the various Internet pages and to better adapt this website to user requirements. This is done using so-called ‘cookies’. Cookies are small, invisible files that websites place on your computer as you browse the web.

The following websites place cookies or similar technology:

On these websites, you can give your consent for these cookies to be placed.

Deleting cookies

You can also delete cookies. The easiest way to delete cookies is via your browser. A link about how to delete cookies is shown below per browser:

Links to other websites

The website of the Better Life label Foundation may contain links to external internet pages. The Better Life label Foundation cannot be held liable for the use or the content of internet pages to which a link is included on this website, or of internet pages which include a link to this website. Our Cookie and Privacy Statements do not apply to personal data collected and processed from you on or through these third-party websites.

Use of website of the Better Life label Foundation

Links to the website of the BLLF are only permitted if they are used to support our opinions, views and our work. Prior written consent is required. Consent can be requested by sending an email to We aim to answer within five working days. Hyperlinks must direct the visitor directly to the context in which the BLLF offers its content. Copying information, framing, republishing, editing, or adding information is not permitted.

Amendments to privacy statement

The content of this privacy statement can be amended at any time by the Better Life label Foundation without prior notice. Amendments will be valid and applicable from the time they are published on this website.

Address of establishment, Chamber of Commerce registration number

Address of establishment
registered with the Chamber of Commerce under the name:
Stichting Beter Leven keurmerk
Orteliuslaan 850
3528 BB Utrecht

Registration number C of C.
54937388, Utrecht.