Procedure registering companies
Companies that are not livestock farms must apply for approval of participation to the Better Life label Foundation using the procedure below.

Submit your application
In order to assess your application, you need to supply a number of documents to the Better Life label Foundation. Consult your company type to see which criteria your company must comply with.
More information about company types
Assessment of application
Your documentation must be complete in order to make a good assessment. In the event of doubt, the Better Life label Foundation will ask you for additional information.

Assessment completion
How long it takes to complete the assessment depends on:
- The number of applications currently being processed
- How quickly you respond to requests from the BLLF for additional information

If the application is approved, your company will receive approval from the Better Life label Foundation. An initial audit may now be carried out by the certification body of your choice.

When the initial audit is successfully completed, the certification body will issue a certificate. From that moment on, your company may use the BLL logo and issue communication about the Better Life label.
More information about CBs
You must ensure that you are inspected and certified by the CB at least annually. Additional interim audits may also be conducted in the meantime.
NB: For logistic service providers 2c and retailers no audit is needed. From the moment of approval by the BLLF, they may use the BLL logo and issue communication about the Better Life label.