Who are we?

The Better Life label Foundation (BLLF) is a private quality mark organization that takes care of the assurance and management of the Better life label (BLL) and maintains contacts with the participating companies and certification bodies.

By providing reliable assurance and valuable services, the BLLF contributes to demonstrable improvements in the welfare of farm animals.

The BLLF focuses on animal husbandry companies such as livestock farms on the one hand, and on companies focused on animal products such as slaughterhouses, egg packing stations, cutting plants, packers, processors, meat products producers, logistics service providers, retailers and food service companies on the other.
The BLLF supervises participants and certification bodies, processes and evaluates applications from the business community, and grants approval for the use of the Seal of Approval. The BLLF has grown significantly in a short period of time and the BLL has a name recognition rate of no less than 94% according to research firm GFK.