Rates and Indexation for 2025 Announced

The Better Life Label Foundation (BLLF) has finalized the participant contributions for 2025. This includes one-time fee, annual fixed contributions, variable contributions, and logo fees. While there have been no changes to the structure of the rates, an indexation of 3.1% has been applied to cover the costs of assurance and services.

As usual, the variable contributions are based on the economic value of Better Life products. This calculation utilizes the KWIN tables, which use substantiated prices for items such as slaughtered animals, 360 eggs, or 100 kg of dairy. This ensures that contributions are distributed fairly and aligned with the economic value of the products.

The exact rates for 2025 are available on this page. For questions or further information, please contact us at financien@sblk.nl.

The BLLF thanks all participants for their dedication and trust in the Better Life Label. Together, we continue to work towards improving animal welfare.